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Monday, January 4, 2010

2009...In Review

2009 started with a big move for our family. Brian was reassigned to Fort Meade, Maryland (20 min from Baltimore). We were sad to leave wonderful Alexandria, Virginia, but excited for our new adventure!! Brian was very much looking forward to his new teaching position!

Roxy was added to our family in Jan!! It took a while, but eventually she and Darby warmed up to each other.

With Spring, comes sports!! Brianna joined our Ft Meade soccer league and became the only female member (watch our boys!) of the Black Dragons!! Her coaches were awesome and really showed the kids how to not only play the game, but to be a family and bond as friends! Go Dragons!!

We are so thankful for the street we live on; it's like living on a cul-de-sac, but the street is straight instead of curved. The street goes no where so the only traffic is just from us 6 houses. The kids can ride their bikes and play in the street without us fearing any cars. Our neighbors are the best and you will find us all sitting outside, sipping our coffee, and watching the kids play during a good weather day!

Going camping has become a favorite of our family in the last couple of years. We all seem to equally love the outdoors and exploring new areas. We can't wait for warmer weather and the challenge of finding a new spot to camp!

My Buddy!!! We had such wonderful times together this last year while Brianna was in school. Next year he will be off to Kindergarten and I wanted to savor each moment of his last year home. This picture is from a farm that we go to sometimes to pick our own fruit and veggies. It's great for the kids to see where our food comes from and for us to spend time together.

He may have eaten more than he picked... :-)

Our cruise in August was a dream come true!! We were gone for 7 days, had an amazing balcony room, and enjoyed so many different ports of call. We are so thankful for that time we were able to spend together and reconnect as a couple!

While we were away, the kids played!! Our AMAZING friends added our 2 kiddos to their own 3. They offered and we accepted! Jeremy & Brenda you are the best and seeing you all made our dream vacation complete!

Happy 4th Birthday Riley!!! He asked for a "Bolt" themed cake for this special day. We had some friends over and played outside. It was a perfect summer day!

First day of 1st grade!! She is standing outside her school with good friend, Cody. Brianna has had a roller coaster of a first half of the year! Her regular teacher left to have her baby just 1 week after school started. Brianna has hung in there and flourished despite a sub-par substitute. Thankfully her teacher is back and the rest of the school year will be awesome!

This is a picture of Riley and his best friend Brooke on their first day of preschool! We were fortunate to find a church close by that offered a program for 4's. He is doing so great and really looks forward to it!

One day while Brianna was at school, I totally redid her room!! She had no idea that I was planning it and I had to get it all done in just one day (by myself!). What a difference just a bit of paint and moving furniture around can do! She received this desk and our old computer for her new "big girl" space!

Every once in a while being in the military has some perks. We were able to get free tickets to see the Washington Nationals play the Atlanta Braves! We rode the metro there, walked around the new park (only the 2nd season to be used), and even got to enjoy some hot dogs!! Our good friend and neighbor, Tabitha went with us and we had an awesome day!

Something new for Brian and I this year is that we are the leaders of our church's Jr High youth group. There was a need at out church to start a group for 6th-8th grade and we were called for it. They are named STATIC - Students Taking Action Together in Christ. The kids are all awesome!
This is a picture form our Fall Food Drive that we held on Oct 31. We had about 75 students and adults show up to help. The kids went door-to-door and collected more than 1000 food items!! Not one youth left this even unchanged...what an amazing night!

That's it for now!! I am going to leave December to its own blog!!

A New Year...

I was so great the first half of 2009 at posting blogs and keeping you all up to date on our family...the second half wasn't so good! In fact, I didn't post anything at all! My promise to you all in 2010 is that I will be much better at blogging and sharing pictures. I may never be as great as you, Aly, but I promise to strive toward that goal!!

Be watching for a 2009-In-Review Blog coming soon!